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Learn More, Pay Less! Lessons Learned from Applying the Wizard-of-Oz Technique for Exploring Mobile App Requirements

机译:了解更多,省钱!应用绿野仙踪的经验教训   探索移动应用程序需求的技术



Mobile apps have exploded in popularity, encouraging developers to providecontent to the massive user base of the main app stores. Although there existautomated techniques that can classify user comments into various topics withhigh levels of precision, recent studies have shown that the top apps in theapp stores do not have customer ratings that directly correlate with the app'ssuccess. This implies that no single requirements elicitation technique cancover the full depth required to produce a successful product and that applyingalternative requirements gathering techniques can lead to success when thesetwo are combined. Since user involvement has been found to be the mostimpactful contribution to project success, in this paper we will explore howthe Wizard of Oz (WOz) technique and user reviews available in Google Play, canbe integrated to produce a product that meets the demand of more stakeholdersthan either method alone. To compare the role of early interactive requirementsspecification and app reviews, we conducted two studies (i) a case studyanalysis on 13 mobile app development teams who used very early stagesRequirements Engineering (RE) by applying WOz, and (ii) a study analyzing 40(70, 592 reviews) similar mobile apps on Google Play. The results of bothstudies show that while each of WOz and app review analysis techniques can beapplied to capture specific types of requirements, an integrated processincluding both methods would eliminate the communication gap between users anddevelopers at early stages of the development process and mitigates the risk ofrequirements change in later stages.
机译:移动应用程序已迅速普及,鼓励开发人员向主要应用程序商店的庞大用户群提供内容。尽管存在可以将用户评论高度精确地分类为各种主题的自动化技术,但是最近的研究表明,应用商店中排名靠前的应用并不具有与应用成功直接相关的客户评价。这意味着没有一种单一的需求启发技术可以覆盖生产成功产品所需的全部深度,而将这两种需求结合起来使用替代性需求收集技术可以成功。由于已发现用户的参与是项目成功的最重要因素,因此在本文中,我们将探索如何整合Google Play中的绿野仙踪(WOz)技术和用户评论,从而生产出满足更多利益相关者需求的产品无论哪种方法。为了比较早期交互需求说明和应用程序审查的作用,我们进行了两项研究(i)对13个移动应用程序开发团队的案例分析,这些团队通过应用WOz对需求工程(RE)进行了非常早期的研究,并且(ii)一项分析了40( 70,592条评论)在Google Play上使用类似的移动应用。两项研究的结果表明,虽然可以将WOz和应用程序审查分析技术中的每一种都应用于捕获特定类型的需求,但是包括这两种方法的集成过程将消除开发过程早期用户与开发人员之间的沟通差距,并减轻需求变更的风险在以后的阶段。



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